Friday, January 4, 2008

I want to learn Italian now!

I have to admit, this is the first: #1 NY Times bestseller I've ever read!
So far, I like the story...I find that in-amongst the clever talkie talk, she reveals some deep stuff. Not just 'deep', but super-personal experiences that are explained without editing for descretion purposes. I loved the experience she described on pg. 54 when she 'sees a friend' in the mirror when she's getting on an elevator. I have had moments like that!
So far, my favorite paragraph was laugh-out-loud funny in chapter 16: 'Depression' with the billy-club and 'Lonliness', the sensitive cop interrogator; very insightful of her.
I continue to admire her awareness around changing what she does based on new reasons why. This follows Kate's observation of the author's presense. Yes, and staying true to her self-aware pitfalls and a new found: self-allowing. I could learn from her 'no rules' approach to eating. I loved the visual of her preparing her 'masterpiece lunch 'and then eating it-- sitting in a patch of sunbeam on her wooden floor, while reading the Italian newspaper.
I'm on pg. 74 now. (there was no reading at Patricia's....some guest rooms in this world don't come with bedside table and light.)

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